Face Masks for Mutare
We’ve been making cotton masks to hand out in our small city, Mutare in Zimbabwe to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and raise awareness about the seriousness of this disease.
Thanks to everyone that helped us out by donating money and fabric!
You can buy one of our masks for yourself in our online store.
Sinior, a tailor we work with in Mutare, has been making some of the face masks we’re handing out
"Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water" - The World Health Organisation
They help you to not touch your face without washing your hands
They stop some of the moisture you send out when breathing or the droplets you spray out if you sneeze! Though, if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 you should call a doctor quick!
Send a social signal that reminds people in our community that COVID-19 is serious, to keep 6ft apart in public and to wash your hands.
Free up surgical and N95 masks for our healthcare workers
(Learn more here: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/03/19/opinion/guidance-against-wearing-masks-coronavirus-is-wrong-you-should-cover-your-face/)
Wash the mask well with soap and water, and dry before each use
Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
Place mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to minimize any gaps between the face and the mask
While in use, avoid touching the mask
Remove the mask by using appropriate technique. That is, do not touch the front but remove the lace/ties/elastic from behind your ears/head
After removal or whenever you inadvertently touch a used mask, clean hands by using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water if visibly soiled
Sterilize any surfaces you place a used mask on
If possible, replace masks with a new clean, dry mask as soon as they become damp/humid
Cotton masks are not recommend for use by health care workers, people displaying COVID-19 symptoms or anyone in close contact with someone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 as they are only about 50% as effective as surgical masks.
(Learn more here: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/best-materials-make-diy-face-mask-virus/)
Remember to follow WHO's guidelines for fighting COVID-19: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public